Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to CONVOCARE. (UPDATE on January 4, 2010)

 Wednesday, December 6, 2009 

Throughout the month of December, Marie has requested a CONVOCARE.  

Beginning this week, an explanation of the process (and a running transcript of the proceedings) will be posted on the new sister site, CONVOCARE .

Yesterday (Wednesday, December 6, 2009), concern about the safety and privacy of others in this process prompted a second meeting.

Update on Monday, January 4, 2010 

Although not posted publicly due to safety and privacy concerns,  the December 2009 CONVOCARE was fruitful.

 Details this week, the first week of January 2010. 

Additionally, Marie will be in communication (again) with First Baptist Church of Bolivar, Missouri, the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board, and Southwest Baptist University's accreditation agency, the North Central Association.